Monday, May 08, 2023

2023.5.8. Orquestra NW Cinco de Mayo concert

5/8 Monday 7pm. I went to the Opera Center to see the 2nd concert of Orquesta NW - Cinco de Mayo. Same as last time, it's free. Everything today is in both English and Spanish. Other than the program, I was also given 3 sheets of poems, and a brochure of Democracy Voucher. I remembered at the last concert (3/5), they had a table promoting voter registration.

The conductor introduced everyone and tonight's program: French first and then Mexican :) She said that her first Cinco de Mayo is in Seattle. She's from Guadalajara, and they never celebrated Cinco de Mayo.

First, the Mexican consule in Seattle gave a short speech. His English is flawless. He elevated the significance of Cinco de Mayo to a victory against colonist for all Americans.

Next, Louise Farrenc's Overture #1 in E minor, by Ballard Civic Orchestra. About 11 on strings and 13 on wind, 1 on drums.
The Mexican consule left after this piece.

Next, Saint Saens' violin concerto #3 op 61. Soloist is a very young Gustavo Berho. The conductor told us that this is his first public performance. He did very well.

After intermission, the first violinist talked about the organization. He's also the artistic director.

Next, we have 3 popular Spanish songs, sung and piano by Guo Ke. She speaks Spanish, quite well! The last song was accompanied by Antonio Gómez on percussion.

Next, Trio Guadalevin, 3 Mexican tunes, 2 are songs with strong rhythms.

Last, 4 dancers of Bailadores de Bronce graced the stage with their beautiful outfits. Accompanied by Trio Guadalevin.

As soon as I got home, I sent them a small donation.