I was late for the first class, but still got most of it (probably). Virgil Alonso talked about how to make a zine. The target size is a folded (once) regular paper. So it's good to use this zigzag printing order. He also distributed a small zine with the keypoints he talked about.
A free 8x10" print.
Dominic Arenas demo-ed how to develop a roll of B&W film at home, and talked about the process and tips.
- temperatuer 102°F;
- portable film changing bag (mini dark room) for rolling film onto a wheel;
- developing tank (example: Paterson tank);
- chemicals (all reusable for a few times, pre-mix for easy use): developer, stop bath (or 68°F water rinse), fixer (eg Blix), water rinse, Kodak Photo-Flo;
- timer;
Both are very educational to an amateur.