Wednesday, May 10, 2023

2023.5.10. La Traviata at Seattle Opera

5/10, Wednesday. Seattle Opera is offering $15 ticket for tonight's performance. I went to the ticket office at 2:30 to buy 3 tickets, so a friend of mine and his daughter came to enjoy this wonderful production. It was excellent. The girl was sobbing at the end, even though we all know La Violette would die.

The South African Violette has such a beautiful voice, that made up for her image (no where near the looks of a sickly 20 year old cortisan).

I thouroughly enjoyed the performance. The stage set is beautiful. Lots dance and chorus. Of course, lovely music, which I'm still singing when I write this blog 3 days later.

After the show, I stayed on the Q&A session. The assistant director, Alfredo, and a baritone (who never sang until in his mid 20s) kindly stayed up late to talk with us.