Friday, May 03, 2024

2024.5.3. Orquestra Northwest - celebrating spring

5/3, Saturday. Orquestra Northwest's spring concert featuring music from North America, and a young directing student.
  • American string quartet - Antonin Dvorak
  • Fantasy for a Gentle Man - Joaquin Rodrigo
    Mark Wilson on Guitar
  • Pueblito Viejo - Jose A. Morales
  • La Gata Golosa - Fulgencio Garcia
  • Mi Buenaventura - Petronio Alvares
  • Kalamary - Alejandro Tobar
  • Dance - RimaWayNina Cumbe
This concert is better than the previous one I went in Town Hall. Quite entertaining, less toddlers. There were students on stage, but mostly adults. Wind section is not as good. The dancers brought color to the auditorium. 5 on percussion. Not sure why attendance was poor.