Thursday, November 16, 2023

2023.11.16. Amazon Skill Center turns to 2

11/16, Thursday, 5pm. Amazon Skill Center celebrated its 2nd birthday today. I was surprised to see Jeff Bezos here, more surprising is that he stayed through the hour. I guess it shows that Amazonn considers this skill center a very important effort.

I arrived late. Still plenty food to nibble on. The classroom was maybe half full. No wonder there was food left. I didn't try these cupcakes. They are pretty, but don't look very edible to me. After the event, 3 large cakes were cut. I tried a small slice of the chocolate cake, and it was very good.

More interesting today is the forum by Structure Engineers Foundation of WA. I was late, got confused where the lecture is inside Benaroya Hall. The event started at 6pm. The ushers at the main concert hall weren't aware of the event at the recital hall. 3 panelists shared their insight of the design, technology, art and impact of the new Seattle Convention Center: I especially like the talk by the structure engineer Derek. All very interesting.