Saturday, December 02, 2023

2023.12.2. More holiday events in downtown

12/2, a busy Saturday. I didn't have time to visit the Urban Uprising Craft market (at Exhibition Hall), and a Christmas market (in and outside of Fischer Pavilion) in Seattle Center.

Went to Gate's Discovery Center first. There's also a market (Fri + Sat). I made myself a wreath and a hanging globe. A lot of people.

After lunch, walked to Occidental Park. It is snowing every Saturday ~noon this December (see the black machine on the photo, right bottom.) I was surprised to see these 3 ladies dressed like clowns, who serves you hot cocoa. A gitar player was sitting and singing behind them. Not many people here. Next weekend, there'll be a free ice skating ring. Hopefully more people.

On my way, saw a lady singing alone at the Pioneer Square, next to a tall Christmas tree full of gift boxes. It's part of the city park program. The lovely Pergola is now occupied by 2 homeless tents and trash.

The Romanian National Chamber Choir Madrigal - Marin Constantin performed at Town Hall this evening, the last stop of their US tour (3 concerts in New York, 2 in DC, 1 in Chicago). Titled "The Magic of Winter". Organized by the Embassy of Romania in USA, the Romanian Cultural Institute in New York. This tour is part of the MADRIGAL 60 anniversary program.

They started with the national anthem of both US and Romania. Then some folk songs and Xmas songs. On the seat, a brochure of choir and an insert of the program for the night. However, it isn't exactly the same as what was performed. I love the costums. The conductor is good looking, in an elegant dark red dress, but she's rather affected, waving her arms in a dance-like fashion. The singing is good, but after a few songs, it became monotonous to me. I almost dozed off. 16 female, 13 male voices, 1 piano accompanist.

This is a free concert. Like all free programs, many no-shows. The last 3 rows were empty. Also, there were 2 wailing toddlers (maybe only 1 year old). When I sat down, I was already 1 min late at 7:31pm. Still people were filing in. Very noisy. Friends waving and calling out to each other. 10 minutes later, the announcer stepped onto the stage. 2 people gave speeches. I believe one is from the embassy. Only then, I learned that yesterday (Dec 1st) is the Romania national day.

Gingerbread contest at Sheraton Hotel, from Nov 21st - Jan 1. 4 girls designed the gingerbread house, and a group of craftsmen made them. They are rather big, with motorized parts. I wish the light is a bit brighter. Not sure if they are still edible.