Thursday, June 06, 2024

2024.6.6. Anida Yoeu Ali at Seattle Asian Art Museum

6/6 First Thursday of the month. I went to see Ali's exhibition of Buddaist Bug and Red Chador at Seattle Asian Art Museum on this lovely sunny day. Even since I hear Anida Yoeu Ali speak at Town Hall on March 2nd, I became interested in her "performances".

When I arrived ~3pm, I was told that Ali was give a tour of her exhibits. Perfect. What led me to her exhibition is the bright orange loop that she calls Buddhist Bug. I found her in front of the guillotine of baguettes. She talked about her past performances in the Red Chador, and its disappearance at Ben Gurion airport. There's an altar and a red newspaper dispenser with an obituary inside. Large prints and videos of some of her performances on the wall. Then she talked about her "genesis project", the resurrection of the chadors, more colors, with others who joined her in her performances in the chador. Very politically charged. She's a muslin artist, promoting acceptance, diversity and harmony. She's well spoken, easy to talk to.