Saturday, June 15, 2024

2024.6.15. Phoenix Children's Chorus

6/15, 7pm. Phoenix Children's Chorus performed in Seattle on their last concert of PNW tour (after Vancouver, Portland, Corvalis) before flying home. 90+ kids, 2 percussionists, 2 conductors, 1 pianist. They are surprisingly good. Full of enthusiasm. Very orderly. I especially like the song about time/clock, which has no instrument accompaniment. Seattle Girls Choir joined them singing the last song "Why We Sing".
«Why we sing»
music: Greg Gilpin

A sound of hope, a sound of peace,
a sound that celebrates and speaks what we believe.
A sound of love, a sound so strong,
it’s amazing what is given when we share a song

This is why we sing, why we lift our voice,
why we stand as one in harmony!
This is why we sing, why we lift our voice,
take my hand and sing with me!

Sooth a soal, mend a heart, bring together lives
that have been torn apart.
Share the joy, find a friend,
it’s a never – ending gift that circles back again.

This is why we sing, why we lift our voice,
why we stand as one in harmony!
This is why we sing, why we lift our voice,
take my hand and sing with me!

Music builds a bridge, it can tear down a wall!
Music is a language, that can speak to one and all!
This is why we sing, why we lift our voice,
why we stand as one in harmony!
This is why we sing, why we lift our voice,
take my hand and sing with me!
This is why we sing, we sing, WE SING!

I thouroughly enjoyed this hour of music. The only minor gripe is that whenever there is soloist, the group sang too loud. The part that I couldn't make out is how the kids' position is arranged. They seem to know exactly where they stand, but to me, all looks random: a small child may be standing right behind a tall kid, boys and girls completely mixed up. The middle school group has very few boys, maybe 3. The high school group has more even participation.