Sunday, June 02, 2024

2024.6.2. Seattle Rep presents Jinkx Monsoon and Major Scales

6/2, Sunday, raining. 7:30pm. I arrived at Seattle Rep's ticket offset at exactly 7:30pm, and was given a free ticket someone left behind.

Together Again Again showcases two local artists in the drag scene: Jinkx Monsoon (Hera Hoffer) and Major Scales (Richard Andriessen), set in the future when aliens have occupied the scorched earth. Jinkx and Major reunited on stage, at their advanced age, bickering and reminiscing of the past, while sang and dance. New scores written by Major Scales, all quite catchy. Laughing out loud funny, a bit crass, theatrical, good acting if not a bit exaggerated. No plot. No intermission. All in all, fun and entertaining.