Thursday, June 13, 2024

2024.6.13. Solar prints with Cyanotype

6/13, Thursday, lunch time, Occidental Square. I went an event on maps organized by Coco Allred of Drawing Herd on May 23rd, and liked it. She hosts various arts & craft events all over the town, partnering with different artists and artisans. The May map event featured John Loacker, owner of Metskers, the iconic map store in Pike Place Market, the 3rd generation map maker of Kroll Map.

Today, I walked to Pioneer Square to "harnest solar power". The lady (sorry, I forgot her name) who does these solar prints already coated the cards in Cyanotype last night. There were 2 flowering plants, various dried leaves and flowers, some cloths. We can clip fresh plants, or use any of these materials. Arrange a pattern on a card, clipped on a board so the arragement is fixed (not blown away by wind). Let it sit in the sun for 5-7 minutes. Then, rinse it in clear water. The coated paper is white, but once fixed by sun, it turns blue. It's fun to see what others are making. A few passers-by stopped to make some prints without knowing this before. The security guard also made a print. He's the one who brought water.

These random events (thanks to the artists, the city's commitment to art budget) are what made me live in downtown Seattle, willing to pay more for a tiny abode, and put up the trash, the crazies, the noise.