Tuesday, June 18, 2024

2024.6.18. Tiger 3 + Smith Tower

6/18, Tuesday. Cloudy -> sunny. No excercise last weekend, I need to pub some workout in, especially that I don't foresee any serious excercise in the next 2.5 weeks. Also, I need to test my new hiking boots. Decided to go up to Tiger. Didn't get up early. By the time I reached Jakob Two Trees, it was ~10:20pm. So a lot of people.

Only went up to Tiger 3. Brand new log bench at the summit. 12:05pm. Chatted with the 2 lady in my photo. They've never gone to Tiger 2. This surprised me. Due to time constraint, I didn't go to Tiger 2 today. Rather cloudy, not much of a view. My new cellphone carrier (Visible by Verizon) has no coverage here. This also surprised me, because cell towers are on Tiger 2.

More flowers than all my previous trips here. Carpets of minor's lettuce, speedwell near the summit. Lots of sinky bob at all elevations, daisy and foxglove at lower elevations, especially in the open under the powerlines. A few remaining bleeding hearts with seedpods.

Had to respond a couple of Slack messages during the hike. I came back to Issaquah's Community cCnter to use the restroom. Google routes me on the east side of the high school. Not as pleasant as walking on the Rainier Trail, where Jakob is. Seems the same distance. Had a Zoom meeting 2-3pm. I took the meeting half at the community center, half on the bus back.

Alliance for Pioneer Square hosts a happy hour at Smith Tower today 2:30-4:30. I haven't been up there since I first volunteered with Seattle Architecture Foundation, 10+ years ago. After picking up a ticket at the cafe/bar downstairs, followed the sign through many exhibitions. I made a mistake not looking at these, because the exit is to a different door, completely bypasses all the exhibitions. Took the elevator to the 22nd floor, the "Lookout Lounge and Deck". Checked in with this girl on the left of the photo. Bar is on the right of the photo. Later, she also gave me a small bottle of honey made by the beehives out on this very deck. (The hives were taken down just a couple of weeks ago). Drinks, charcuterie, chicken skewer (too tough), macaroni and cheese (good, but need salt, which goes well with the salty charcuterie). When I arrived ~3:30, it's quite empty here. Turns out most of the guest are out on the deck. Suddenly, they all filed in: to refill their glasses.

I went out to the deck. Now, too much sunshine now, especially compared to this morning. After 1 beer, I asked for a mocktail, but they ran out.

2 beers later, stuffed and light-headed, I rode the elevator up to the top floor observation deck. The elevator that goes to the top floor is shutdown. So everyone had to walk 3 more flights. I'm not sure if they serve food here. Drink flows readily. There're chairs and tables agains the window. So when you are outside walking around, these people are stairing at you. I walked the 360° fenced walkway surrounding the building, each side has 1 or 2 plaques explaining what you are watching.

Walked home ~5pm.