Saturday, August 07, 2021

2021.8.7. Tacoma

8/7, Saturday, cloudy. There was a native art event in Tacoma downtown, just outside of the history museum. I took bus 594, and spent a leisure half day there.

My first stop is the history museum. Nice building. Not a lot of things to see. Some interactive displays. I did take notes of some sights in eastern WA to visit some day.

My next stop is the museum of glass. A homeless guy was passed out on the glass bridge. Not a large collection. Spacious hot shop.

My last stop is the art museum. It has a glass collection and historical items, like this insurance price list for slaves in the old days. Again, not a whole lot to see.

On my way back, I admired the new sandle castle at Westlake Park. Talked to one of the guys who made it today. He said a lot of water and pounding down.