Friday, October 26, 2018

2018.10.24-27. Director Chat at Powell's

10/25-26. I went to Powell's City of the Books at lunch time twice to listen to Directors' Chat of Portland File Festival. I was, as usual, very late. I could only comment on the 2nd half (audience Q/A) of the chat. I really enjoyed the panel on Thursday. ~5 women (more or less new directors) and 1 guy (over 30 year in the field). The moderator is a man. It was interesting to hear from every one how they fund their films. All quite candid. Friday's panel is much bigger, 12 women 1 guy. They ended up emphasizing the importance of having women or other minorities in the creative process, instead of talking about film itself. One elderly gentleman (also in the same trade) in the audience commented on this, and encouraged the ladies to continue what they do, while acknowledging that the change (male dominance) is slow. For some reason, the female panel "attacked" him. I found it disconcerting. This left me a sour taste, and I left before they stopped arguing for nothing.