Wednesday, October 02, 2024

2024.8.29. Glacier Basin at Mt Rainier NP

8/29 Sunday. Temperature has cooled significantly (compared to yesterday). Supposed to be high 41°F today at Bourough Mt, our intended destination in Mt. Rainier National Park.

9am pick up. The entrance to Sunrise had a line, but not too long. We were informed that there'd be an hour delay to Sunrise due to an accident. At the turn to the White Rock campground, the road is barricaded ahead. We didn't even see the accident. No one was able to go to Sunrise. Parked at the far-end of the campground (this half of the campground is closed for the season, so are the bathrooms). Headed to Glacier Basin instead. We were here only once before, had a fond memory of the trip. In fact, we camped at Glacier Basin. It was earlier in the season, the campsites were all covered by snow, so had to camp outside. Walked up to Camp Schurman in crampons and a glissade back.

The trail starts in the trees, passing the turn to the morain, and then the turn to Sunrise Camp. A woman was posing for Instagram shots at one of the openings between trees. Some pearly-everlasting, thistles, the last of asters and fireweed. Not many. Not much of fall color here. Passed and being passed by some hikers, including one Becky-like gentleman with a giant backpack. Once we continued after "end of maintained trail" sign at Glacier Basin camp, we were the only people. The view is very getting better and better, however, Mount Rainier was blocked mostly.

The trail for Camp Schuman is clearly visible. We followed it into a grassy meadow (very pretty), and then into pile of rocks. There, multiple tracks, all leading to the glacier. I decided to climb up to the ridge, and the slope was getting quite steep. I stick to areas that have plants here and there. At some point, I decided to turn around. Here, I saw quite some gentium and yarrow still blooming. My partner turned around earlier to check out a track we could see earlier. Later, I was told that it leads to some mining structure, and then the track disappeared. Coming down from there is dangerous, more loose ground and steep. An adventure in this rocky amphitheater.

Hikign out, started to see people again. Back on the road, it was cleared, so cars were driving up to Sunrise.

Some traffic on the drive back. Got back to Seattle ~7pm.