Monday, October 07, 2024

2024.10.7. Enchantment Peak via Aasgard Pass

I did Enchantment thru-hike in 2018 on a Saturday. The crowd was so bad, that I vowed to never return -- well, not in weeekends. Since then, I visited Enchantments on a Friday via Aasgard Pass (still busy), and via Crystal Lake drainage (not a soul). Monday is better. No crowd.

10/7. Monday. We tried to checkout at ~6:10am, but the front desk was closed. The parking lot at Colchuck TH was only half full, but plenty cars were parked illegally along the road. Filled the registration. Started hiking ~6:50am, light enough not needing head lamp.

We were passed by a few runners. Not crowded. Reached Colchuck Lake before 9:30am. It's in the shade, so no color. We are both a bit out of shape, also I have knee problem, and my partner had stomach issue that day. We were not fast, but making good progress. Took a break overlooking the lake. A few campers here and there.

Getting to the end of the lake, and then hop the boulders to get on to the base of the gully for Aasgard Pass. This took at least half an hour -- would be headache in the dark when I returned. This is the west slope, so in the shade before noon, even though the lake was illuminated more and more as we gained elevation. Took a few breaks. Especially under a small waterfall with icicles. Broke some ice into our water bottles. Note, need to go *right* below this waterfall. Here, we were already above a grove of shining golden larches. Reached Aasgard Pass ~12:40. 7800'. More mountains to the west, blue water blow.

Crossing the pass, a lot of rocks. Now we were officially in the core zone of the Enchantments. First tarn, more of less frozen. My favorite lake is next: Isolation Lake, because there'a path that you can walk between two lakes, and also the permanent ice hanging on the rocks. We took a break and filtered water here. Only a few small larches here. A little too high for them ~7500'.

Walking across the upper basin, passing 2 more ponds, slowly loosing elevation. As we go down along the main trail eastwards, more and more larches, and larger trees. Perfection Lake is in such a splendor, true to its name. I love the larch needles that still have a green tint. Took a food break at its shore. Here, the two of us part our ways. My partner continued the through hike down to Snow Lake TH, 10.5 miles away, 6000' down. I was to go back via Aarsgard Pass, 7.5 miles away, 1000' gain, 4600' down. My goal was 9pm. It's already 3pm.

I still wanted to climb Enchantment Peak (which I visited 3 years ago), which adds another 1000' gain. I'm running short of time. I figured that going down from Aasgard Pass at 6pm should be okay. I thought sunset was at 7pm. The color going up to Prusik Pass is fabulous. Not just the golden larches, a lot of red huckleberry bushes (no berries). Here's the view of Perfection Lake below, and the area west of the pass.

Instead of going to Prusik Pass first to catch the trail, I short cut it, and heading west earlier. I more of less found the trail fairly soon. May have stayed a bit too high (climbed a small false summit unnecessarily, but snapped this photo). Was debating turning around at 4pm. But the summmit was right there. The top rock requires some careful movement. I left my backpack and hiking poles below. Reached the summit at 4:30pm. View is 360° excellent.

Heading down at 4:35pm, saw footprints in the sandy ground going down to a gully. I decided to follow that, which goes above Inspiration Lake, saves me some elevation loss and gain. It was steep, but not too dangerous. Then it's easy cross country (no more visible track), to Lake Olrun area. Good view of Inspiration and Perfection lakes below. Finally I hit the main trail, and started seeing people again since 3pm.

Reached Aarsgard Pass at 6:10pm. 5.5 miles and 4600' loss till TH. I thought I was only a little behind, 3 hours might still be possible. But I was so wrong. Totally under-estimated the time hiking in the dark, especially going through camping areas. Sunset today was actually 6:35pm. I made a repeated (did this last time coming down Aasgard Pass) mistake following a track to the right of a flat meadow. Scrambled down the icy waterfall which we filled water on the way up. It was dangerous, I slipped on the slippery rock, thankfully only a few feet. Filled my water bottle again with icicles here. Going down to Colchuck Lake was not too bad, even though I had to turn on headlamp half way down, and not entirely on trail.

Reached the boulder hopping area ~7:30pm, slower than I expected. However, at night, hopping rocks took longer. Then, many side tracks going to camping areas and day use areas led me stray. The main trail wasn't all that obvious even during daylight. I wasted precious time correcting my track. By the time I was leaving Colchuck Lake, it was almost 9pm. Got to the TH just before 10:50. Hopped into the car without changing my boots, and drove out like a mad person.

Shortly before reaching Snow Lake TH, I saw my partner walking my way. Not sure why. It was already 11:10pm. 2 hours wait would made everyone angry and wary. Changed my boots with sand and small rocks falling out. Ate my sandwich, I was starving. I didn't stop for food hiking out.

Still 2+ hour drive back to town. Thus ended my saga of day climb to Enchantment Peak. Will I do this again, yes, but need to hike faster. Need to turn around at 3:30pm, go down Aasgard Pass by 5pm, so to assure going though the camping area around Colchuck in daylight.