Tuesday, April 23, 2024

2024.4.23. Tiger 2+3 and an Arctic bird research

4/23, Tuesday. The weather forecast for the rest of the week (including weekend) is a bit wet. Headed to Tiger in the morning. It's good to come early. No one at the foot of Jakob today ~9am.

The highlight today is the woodpecker. I think I startled him. He flew out of somewhere and landed on this tree close by. He has no red crest. Saw some trillium. Quite some yellow violet, lots of bleeding heart.

The clouds were forming. Despite of clouds, the view was very clear. Olympics, highrises of downtown Seattle and Bellevue. Stopped at Tiger3 to air my boots.

Continued on to Tiger2, better view. View of Rainier and Baker on the way. Not sure why most hikers turn around at Tiger3.

I took the same way down this time, so I could fill water at the Issaquah Community Center. I ran out of water. It was warm. It seems they open at 7am, so I could have stopped by earlier. They close on Sundays.

In the evening, went to Town Hall for a lecture on Black Guillemot on Cooper Island by George Divoky. Cooper Island is a flat strip of sandbar off north Alaska. What's amazing is Dr. Divoky continued his study there every summer for 50 years, regardless whether he had funding or not. Other than the obvious climate change witnessed by the island, many data might be interetsing to biologists.