Saturday, April 20, 2024

2024.4.20. Snow Lake winter scramble via Source Lake

4/20, Saturday. A beautiful day with impending rain. Windy. Headed to Snow Lake, a very popular summit destination. This will be my first try in winter. Downloaded Brad Wagenaar's GPS track to Wright Mountain on 4/24/2022, assuming similar condition.

I was picked up ~9:20am. Parked at Alpental - the last weekend of operation this year. We took the winter route, above Source Lake - which is always quite pretty. The route is via skier's exit track, which is officially only for lift users.

Above Source Lake, it gets quite steep. I followed some skier. The snow was slushy, still sinking at times even with snowshoes on. My partner didn't bring ice axe, plus unfamiliar with the new snowshoes, he turned around. My track turns out to be higher than Wagenaar's. Here is avalanche terrain. I could see some old avalanche debris, which is nice to walk on now, because it's more clumpy, so better traction and no sinking. A few skiers flying down from high gullies.

This steep section is only about 15 minutes. Then it's a skiers highway, wider tracks, and then a plateau with such typical winter beauty. Flat, a bit more windy. Once over the ridge to Snow Lake side, it got more windy. I found a good overlook to take a photo, and then turned around.

Took off snowshoes to glissade the steep section. Then put them back on, because I was sinking too much. Followed the regular track on the the north side of the creek. Once into the woods, I took off snowshoes and put on micro-spikes. The track is well trodden. At the junction to Snow Lake summer trail, saw well trodden boot track up. Not sure how many made it up this side: more avalanche prone.

When I realized that the track would lead me to a farther parking lot, I scouted for a place to cross the creek. This is, maybe the worst scrambling today. Both banks of the creek are quite steep. Made to the car at 2pm. Ate my lunch then.

On the drive back, more clouds were forming. By the time we were in Seattle, it was gloomy. It did rain later, but not much.