Saturday, March 05, 2022

2022.3.5. Another Sunny Day in Vancouver

3/5, Saturday, my last full day in Vancouver. Blue sky. So went to downtown again.
Changed bus in front of Science World. So walked a bit along False Creek before getting on the bus. Very pleasant. A few joggers, and tourists.

Winter is not the best time to visit QE park. Lots of dead plants. Noticeble are the few giant rhubarb plants, dead of course. Good view at this viewpoint, because it's on a hill. I always loved this ensemble of sculptures. The detail of everyone's expression and clothing is meticulous.

Afterwards, we took another bus to Burnaby's Central Park. Walked to both upper and lower ponds. Ducks, fish (carp?). Pleasant. Saw a small band of Asian senior citizen playing waltz.