Saturday, March 26, 2022

2022.3.26. Mrs Caliban @ Boot-it

3/26, Saturday. Openning night of Mrs Caliban by Book-it Theatre at Center House Theatre. I arrived about 15 minutes before the curtain. I had never heard of this play or the author Rachel Ingalls. Thoughrouly enjoyed it. Unlike the regular "he said, she said" reading format, this is a regular play, with a nice stage set of the living room with kitchen, surrounded by a narrow band of adjustable lights (very efficient to hint of the view outside of the house. Just one set, no intermission. Great acting and adaptation by chicago based playwriter Frances Limoncelli.

Dorothy is a lonely housewife, in a stale marriage to Fred, after their child died. She finds companionship with an amphibious sea monster named Larry, who escaped from the "institute", and was hunted by the world. She has only one friend, who has 2 rebellious teenage children. Larry's observation of human actions, the friend's dating and emotion, and Fred's guilt are interesting.