Thursday, March 31, 2022

2022.3.31. Strauss and Malher with Seattle Symphony

3/31, Thursday. Powerful performance by Seattle Symphony.
Richard Strauss   Burleske
Gustav Mahler     Symphony No. 6
Interesting that recent concerts by Seattle Symphony are all conducted by Morlot. After Thomas Dausgaard abruptly left his post early this January, without an obvious reason. I'm glad that Marlot was able to step in.
Francesco Piemontesi on piano. Quite expressive in playing. His long fingers and long limbs danced on the keyboard. He sat so far away from the piano, that I was afraid that he might fall off his bench anytime during "Burleske".

I liked Strauss' Burleske more than Mahler's #6. #6 is just too long. I was also mildly dissapointed by the two great blows. After hearing about them in the pre-concert lecture, I was anticipating something louder akin to a tall tree falling. Today's blows just sounded like large drum, not powerful. I very much enjoyed the large orchestra tonight, and the lecture by Raff Wilson, Seattle Symphony Vice President of Artistic Planning.