Sunday, October 30, 2016

2016.10.30. Ivy basket

10/30, Sunday. Drizzle all day long. 10am. Forest Park conservancy basket weaving workshop at Lower MacLeay Trailhead at 2960 NW Upshur. There, I was informed that yesterday, there was a city wide event to rid the invasive English Ivy. Here we had a pile of yesterday's bootie to work with.

My progress is photographed here. I'm the last one who finished. I made the biggest, and probably the ugliest basket in all these workshops.

Advertised as family friendly. Only one teenager came with her mother, but the girl didn't do anything. All students were women. Taught by Lise Gervais, environmental educator. Only one guy, the organizer, working for the conservancy. Work gloves, and pruners, coffee and some snacks were provided. We worked in the picnic shelter. There is a bathroom next to it. From time to time, hikers walking by would stop and looked at us. Good publicity for the conservancy.