Sunday, October 23, 2016

2016.10.23 Indian Heaven: Thomas Lake to Lemei Rock

10/23, Sunday, drizzle. Too late (at least by 2 weeks) for the glorious fall colors in Indian Heaven. Most huckleberry leaves are gone. Still plenty berries left, which we feasted. But they are either too dry or too plump (diluted by the rain). Check out my previous blog when I backpacked in the area, 2 years ago.

14 of us met at Gateway at 6:45, only started hiking at Thomas Lake TH shortly after 9am. Within 10 minutes, reached Thomas Lake. A good size camp site close to late, off the trail to your right. To the left is Dee Lake. Soon after, the trail goes up for a mile or so, before levels out again. We took a cutoff trail via Rock Lake to Junction Lake instead of going to Blue Lake. There, we took PCT north, then 33 NE, then 34 east to Lemei Rock. Came back on #179 to Junction Lake. Out to Thomas Lake via the same cutoff (not marked). For trail map, see this USFS website.

#34 has a lot of huckleberries. Overall, very wet, water on trails, on leaves. Meadows still had nice yellow color, but no more red huckleberry leaves. Heard some gun shots. You might want to wear something colorful to avoid the guns. We didn't see anyone on the trail all day. Saw some vehicles on the forest road.

Saw many colorful amanita mushrooms. Picked a few good ones. Not many as I expected. Chanterelles are for sale for only $11.99 at New Seasons Market. But I only found 2, and at the same spot.

We walked maybe 12 miles, 2000'?