Saturday, October 22, 2016

2016.10.22. Ralph Nader at the Rally To Get Big Money Out of Politics

10/22, Saturday evening. Ralph Nader spoke at First Unitarian Church, as the last speaker of the rally for YES 26-184, to keep big money out of politics (in Oregon at least). The main measures are 1) the largest donation a single donor can make is $500; 2) an organization of small donors can contribute more, but at most $100 from each donor. The local speakers are Dan Meek (Oregon Progressive Party), Juan Carlos Ordóñez, Greg McKelvey (fiery speak, no substance, lots of jargon), Amanda Fritz. Most speakers are okay. Nader labels Trump as a buffoon, Clinton as a warmonger, and both are liars. There was his most recent book for sale and many others, which he'll sign at the end. I left before the Q&A session. Many groups set up tables at the entrance to get you sign something, or gave away brochures. You can take home a lawn sign of "Yes 26-184".

Update 10/23: I took a flyer at this event for Jill Stein at Roseland Theatre the next day. I did go almost on time (6pm), but it was rather chaotic. I asked a bunch of people when Stein would speak. Eventually I found a printout taped on a railing by one of the staircases, which stated that speakers start at 7:35. So I left, even though I would really like to hear Stein talk. It was too loud in the theatre by a 20 people band at the time.