Sunday, January 17, 2016

2016.1.17. Snowshoe Race at White River Canyon

1/17, Sunday, rain - snow - rain, non stop. Despite of the weather 14 women showed up (18 signed up), as well as hundred of others. Many compete in race of 8K or 4K. The first place of 8Km finished in 48.5 minutes by an 50 year-old. 2nd place is a lady, in 52'. The first place of 4Km finished in 23' by an 18 year old, 2nd place is a 15 year-old, finished in 27.5'. Some are in the race for the fun, walking slower than me. We had lunch off the right of the main trail (marked by orange flags). Some fed the birds. After lunch, 4 of us walked up to the top of Boy Scout Ridge. Too bad, no view to speak of, so we didn't continue. Snow is reasonably soft, and it was easier to come down on my butt than on foot. Saw a group of boy scout camping, and an igloo they built; a few campers hauling firewood up; many kids playing snow.