Sunday, September 15, 2024

2024.9.15. Mount Pilchuck

9/15, Sunday. forecasted partly sunny today, so went for a hike expecting good view from the top. Mount Pilchuck is a local favorite. The access road has been closed for a number of years, recently reopened. It's resurfaced at various spots, much smoother than before, but still a gravel road with some washboard old pavement.

Didn't start early, because the forecast predicted better weather after 11am. The large parking lot was 80% full when we arrived. Some folks were already finishing. Trail is also re-engineered. Large boxes of wooden stairs collecting rain water unnecessarily. Quite some large trees, misty, nice temperature. Huckleberry is best right below the last scramble to the lookout.

The summit where the lookout stands is a jumbo of boulders. Fun to scramble, not just to get to the lookout itself, but also other high points to take a photo of the lookout. The inside of the lookout seems to be freshly painted. The only graffitis are signed in 2024. Display of old photos (first staffed in 1921), and the surrounding peaks that we are supposed to see from here. Waited in the crowded lookout, eating lunch, hoping that the sun will burn through the clouds. Occasionally a patch of blue appeared in the sky, which made people hopeful.

At one of the rocky ledges, I found this plague honoring Jimmy S. Pushard.

After picking some blueberry to while away time for the clouds to dissipate. Eventually gave up, going down in ever thickening clouds.

On the way back, picked some boletes. The big ones I put in overn at 200°F overnight. The 3 small ones, I sauteed with scallion and one hatch chile.

Took the lightrail back to downtown from the newly openned Lynnwood station. Very lucky, the trail took off as soon as I sat down. Quite convenient.