Saturday, August 24, 2024

2024.8.24. Legos at MOHAI

8/24, MOHAI hosts Lego bricks event. Its main floor exhibits some large impressive works made of legos. For example, this Burj Khalifa (1:200) takes 48,365 bricks, 135 hours to build. The Shanghai Tower in the middle takes 104,800 bricks, 185 hours to build.
These are made by Anu Creates, and Anu herself was at the table with her works. There're also a few tables where you can build lego models yourself.

As long as I was in MOHAI, browsed the exhibition on the ground floor. John Grade's Wawona sculpture is most interesting, made by the salvaged wood that once of a schooner named Wawona. Concentric broken circlces, tall tower.