Sunday, August 18, 2024

2024.8.18. Belltown Mural Tour

Belltown Mural Week culminated in a guided walking tour on 8/18 Sunday at noon. Beginning on August 13th, local artists actively painted throughout the week. A multi-block Paint Jam and Street Festival in the heart of Belltown. See more photos on Instagram.

I joined the tour a bit late. Almost 100 people, so it was slow moving and I caught up with them. The "guide" is an artist himself. He has a small loudspeaker, but with this many people, I wasn't able to hear all what he said. We visited some murals made before, and some being made. By parking lots, in the alleys. Some of the paintings require a large lift, some require evening time, when no cars are parked by the wall to be painted. Here's the artist talking about her creation.
My favorite is this one. The guy in blue is the artist who designed it. All these large murals have helping hands.

There's a map of murals in Seattle downtown, and a map specifically for Belltown.

Today is Brazil Fest at Seattle Center. I was hoping to see performances with colorful costumes. But no. The ending parade is at fun.