Sunday, July 14, 2024

2024.7.14. Park Butte + Railroad Grade on Baker River Road

7/14, Sunday. A very hot weekend (mid 80°Fs). I had to drop off my laptop at Apple store yesterday for service (morning is slightly cooler than Friday after work), so only have 1 free day for a hike - a good way to ward off jetlag.

8 of us met at 3 different locations, plus picking up one lady from her house. A lot of time wasted. Didn't start hiking until about 10am, considering that I left home at 6:15. The good thing is that I caught a ride from downtown, and we didn't stop for dinner on the way back: saved some time.

Soon into the trail, it's Schrieber Meadow. A lot of Rosy Spiria.

First trail junction is for Scott Paul trail. 2nd junction is at about 2 miles in. We gathered in the shade before the junction and splited into 2 groups. 4 went up to Railroad. SC wanted to try his new mountaineering boots with crampons, so they planned to reach Sandy Camp. 4 continued to Park Butte lookout. On the way, passing some slushy snowy stretches melting fast.
When I arrived at the lookout (before noon), 2 people had already claimed it for their overnight. The awning blocked the view of Baker, but enough view all around. Walked around the deck around the hut. Didn't stay long, and headed out towards Railroad trail. I made a stop at a snowfield on a ledge (going to nowhere) to refill my water bottle with snow and eat my lunch in the shade.

I crosscountry-ed for a bit to hit Railroad trail. So didn't run into EB & LN On the way, saw some nice refections in a couple of ponds (soon will evaporate), cross a couple of soon-disappearing creeks. Railroad trail is out in the open, which you can see very well from and on the way to the lookout. Right now, the sides of the moraine are bursting with flowers. Even though it's dusty and dry, still a delight.

Once I met up with SC on his way back, I returned with him. We regrouped in the shade after the junction, and hiked out more or less together. I got back home before 7pm. Still very warm in town.