Thursday, October 05, 2023

2023.10.5. First Thursday Arboretum guided walk

I always enjoy these guided walks, even though I dislike the location: not well served by public transportation. It's about 4 miles away, but needs 2 buses. If the first bus isn't too late, I could get here in 50 minutes.

A lot of people today. We were separated into 2 groups. The lady who led my group is into seeds. Interesting plants/seeds today are: Fall color is still coming. Another 2-3 weeks would be peak.

Walked to the Japanese Garden (~1 mile south). This is my first time in this garden. A lot of people taking advantage of the free entrance today. It's quite small. At the far end of the ponds, I ran into another guided walk. There's a small but nice exhibition on maples near the entrance.