Tuesday, April 18, 2023

2023.4.18. Jury Duty

It's been awhile since I was last called into jury duty, and I wasn't selected, even though I was there for a whole day waiting to be called. I remembered a crappy room with a lot of people, no connection to the outside, so I had to bring a book while waiting. Now, about 60 some people gathered in this airy room with super high ceilings. There's fast WiFi (in this assmebly room only), a few plugs, nice rooftop deck, a small kitchen with a microwave and fridge (in case you want to heat up your lunch). Coffee and Biglow tea is provided. The water dispenser said it needs a new filter.

I was told to be there at 8:30am, and I arrived at exactly 8:30. After signing in, I was given a label and 4 bus tickets, and told to wait till 9am, when this lady came to play two videos, outlining what we shall expect, and why we are here. Then she told us, no trial was scheduled for this week, but she wanted us to wait awhile in case of a last minute change. I went out to check out the nice deck (a little too chilly to sit out there now). There's also a smaller room with more power outlets. Around 10:30am, she told us that we could all go home, and return 2 bus tickets. So this becomes a normal workday.