Sunday, September 26, 2021

2021.9.24-26 Cannon + Enchantment Peak via Crystal Creek drainage

9/24 Friday. 6 of us met at P&R at 8:30am, and W was more than half an hour late. We drove in 2 cars, one to come back on day 3, one on day 4. I was determined to come back on Sunday, because rain is expected Sunday night and onwards. I drove Z's car, while she's napping. I was yapping too much with Ir and missed the exit. 20 min detour:( It turns out that Ir and I had communicated a few years back about a hiking trip to Idaho. Finally we met in person. We ate lunch at the Ingalls Creek TH parking lot before hiking in. Only ~4 cars there. ~2000'.

The first ~7 miles is straightforward, gaining only ~1700'. But it was warm, and I was sweating. We made good time. Surprising, I actually saw a couple of short larch trees by the trail (~3700'). Around 3pm, just before Cascade Creek TH turn off, we took off to the right onto the slope. The first 500' is bushy, many down logs. W and Z were lagging behind, especially Z. Then rocks, and then big boulders.

We were heading up Crystal Creek, but no water to be seen. Around 5400'-5600', water runs on the left (west) fork of the creek over rocks. We filled water under one big boulder, and when retrieving my 1G jar, I put my helmets (I brought my bike helmet for Z just in case) in the bushes, and forgot about them. The camp has no water, so we need to carry more to the camp.

The sun set as we were scrambling the large boulders (see ZL and W in the photo, circled in red). Nice colors. As it got darker, some of us were getting even slower. Yes, safety first. ZL never expected that we were so slow. I couldn't find my headlamp. With the half moon, I hopped rocks between D and Ir without any problem. The 3 of us decided to cook dinner when we reached the elevation of camp (~6000'), but we couldn't figure out where exactly is the camp area, advertised by ZL: large enough to fit an army. We sat there, ate, while waiting for the other 3. When everyone got here, we continued, ZL gave me a pen light. In the dark, we overshot the camp. ZL asked us to wait, and went alone to look for the spot which he visited before. Finally, we heard him whistle, and the rest 5 of us headed towards the sound. It is a very nice grassy site, with trees for shelter. By then it was already past 10pm. ZL wanted to go up to the ridge next morning for sunrise, so he asked if we could be ready to hike at 6am. This caused noticeble grunt!

The night was not cold.

9/25, Saturday. I set my alarm clock at 5:30am, since I didn't need to cook (didn't bother to bring a stove). But I woke up by Ir's alarm: she needs time to brew coffee. Still she is the last person to be ready. We headed out without needing headlamp. Of course, this group is not going to scale 1000' rocks in an hour. The sun rose as we were going up. The slope gets steeper the higher it is. ~6700', we hit water. Stay on the creek bed clambering up the rocks and some trees, a few larches. At some point, D and I took off on the right side of a band of trees on a scree field, holding on the trees. Before the top of the slope, I checked the map, we need to be on the left side of the creek. D and I gingerly manouvered above the tree band. That was sketchy. I saw someone below, and yelled "don't follow us". Soon, we reached the outlet of Crystal Lake. It turned out Z, the weakest of the group, followed me onto the scree field. ZL went to rescue her. The rest of us waited by the lake, D cooked coffee. I washed my shirt. 3 goats joined us. This is the first time for D and W to be in Enchantments. We were all very happy to relax by the lake. A camper walked by us, and we apologized our boisterousness.

We walked to Perfection Lake together, maybe the largest lake here. ZL setup a tripod and took group photo. I walked away, and waited for them ahead. W claimed that this is the most beautiful lake he has ever seen. Afterwards, we split. ZL and I went to climb, the other 4 looped to Vivian Lake and Prusik Pass. They were taking it easy, didn't even go to Upper Enchantment. Ir gave me her helmet (ZL's spare).

I like going up to Prussik Pass, because this huckleberry dense meadow (no berries), and also because it's not on the thoroughfare for the thru-hikers. Prussik Peak looms ahead, daunting. Once over the pass, we followed the trail to go down (eventually to Shield Lake). Instead of losing 400' following the track that I downloaded, we left the track, scrambled along the solid rock slope, avoiding steep drops. I put on helmet, just in case. At this lovely pond, I saw a couple resting by the water. Around here we overtook a climber who came up below (probably following the track). They were all going to Cannon Mountain, just like us.

North of the pond, we started scrambling up ~800' to the west ridge. It gets steeper as it gets higher. But not dangerous: plenty grass and occasionally a small larch, nothing loose. At the crest, it's a flat area larger than a football field. Walked across this plateau, then it's rock scramble. It got steeper at the top section. The summit block is not steep, but no hand/foot hold, a bit scary. You rely on the friction of the rock surface. It's a bit small for both of us to sit on it, if we want to take panorama photos. I crawled down first, then took more photos. Lunch here. The other three also arrived.

On the way back, I filtered water by the pond. ZL wanted to take photos. So I waited by the pond. This is really a lovely vally. No one else, only these 5 who climbed Cannon. After awhile, I called to ZL, no response, so I headed back to Prussik Pass. Again, I tried not to drop too much elevation, so scrambled on the rocky slope, but ended going to a wrong direction. Fortunately I found out not too late. From time to time I blew my whistle if I thought I may have seen ZL. But he was no where to be found.

Back at Prussik pass, it was only 2pm, so I followed one of the many tracks up the west ridge towards Enchantment Peak. The best is keep a bit lower on the left (south) side of the ridge. Lots of red here. Even though I was tired, I had time and the slope is gentle, so slowly I drudged up. I set my return time at 4. A boot track can be found most of the way. The very top, need to go from the left (south) side. The summit block is steep, tiny hand/foot holds spaced a bit too far apart. As I was contemplating this rock, I heard someone calling "I finally found you". I was very happy to see ZL. Since I left Prussik Pass, I hadn't seen anyone. I climbed to the summit (another flat rock on top of this one) and came down the rock to wait for him at a safe spot. He apologized that he was spending too much time taking photos. Ah, no need. It's so beautiful. Take your time.

We climbed down together. ZL wanted to continue the narrow ridge to the SW summit. I had no energy left. So I returned alone. I wanted to head down Crystal Creek by 6pm, so I could reach the camp before dark. I washed and ate dinner at Crystal Lake before heading down at 6:05. Already a bit chilly. Saw 2 campers fishing here. This time, I followed the creek bed. I got back to camp at 7:10pm, 10 minutes later than I promised. Once I hit trees, it was confusing without the voices of my new friends. We gathered together and they cooked dinner. ZL didn't come back until ~8:30pm. I would get lost in the dark.

The night was warm.

9/26, Sunday. A lazy morning. I read in my tent before getting out. We gathered around for breakfast ~8am. ZL said the summit rock of Enchantment SW Peak is too steep on the east side. He was planning to attack it from its west side, which is the normal approach. He convinced G and W (who were riding in his car) to go to Upper Enchantment with him. The 3 ladies were set to hike out today before the forecasted rain tonight. I wanted to avoid anything wet on the steep decent. The boys left before us.

We started down ~10am. First, visited the open meadow just south of our camp, and went down from there, more east to our ascent. We went down slowly, no rush. Ir and I were taking turns of scouting the route, and the other one watching over Z to make sure she was okay. Once we heard water, I started looking for the big boulder where we filled water on the way up. Ir said that she made a note and it was exactly at 5500'. At one point, I asked them to wait for me, and I left my pack nearby, and scrambled right (west) to look for my helmets. It took quite some effort, but I found them. But no headlamp. Ir was reading when I returned. I repacked. Never ever I hiked with 3 helmets!

At the lower bushy section, we hit a track with pink ribbons on the trees. We reached trail more east to our entering point. My black shirt was cover with fireweed. At the first camp site (a group with a dog left their packs there), we dumped our packs and took a long break at Ingalls Creek. We all washed our feet and rested before continuing at ~4:15pm. We reached the car 2.5 hours later, very fast. Drove off at 7, still bright.

After a gas stop at Cle Elum, on I-90, we hit rain. It was pouring before we even reached Snoqualmie Pass. I was driving. Difficult to see when it was raining this hard. Not many reflectors on the road east of the pass. The sky actually cleared up as we neared the city. Dropped off Ir at P&R, and I continued driving home. Then Z drove on.

Update: Monday afternoon, I saw D posted photos. Later, saw their messages, so the 3 guys safely returned. I guess they hiked down Sunday afternoon, and hit the rain in the lower section. Camped by Ingalls Creek, and hiked out Monday morning.

Update: Thursday evening of the following week, Z txt-ed me that she found my headlamp in her trunk! as she was loading up to go to Stuart Lake for the weekend.