Saturday, November 23, 2019

2019.11.23. Hack to Give Thanks

11/23, Saturday. Another tech hackerthon, this time at Code Fellows (one of the many software bootcamp in town), this time for a good cause. According to the introduction, Democracy Lab has hosted these one day event for ~10 times, since early 2018, in partnership with Open Seattle and Seattle Tech4Good. A community based on volunteers working on technology for a good cause. Today's theme is Thanksgiving. Next event will be early January for new year. Code Fellows open for the community every Tuesday evening.

About a dozen project leaders pitched what they wanted to achieve today, a wide range of problems to solve. Not just locally. One project is for Vietnam landmine clearing tracking, another in Africa, and one in India (need Hindi knowledge). All on-going project looking to get a piece of puzzle solved today, and recruit more volunteers.

I chose A/B Street, which I heard about at the CUGOS event a month ago. My Macbook's graphic card cannot support the game's 20 layer of rendering. There were other build issues, so didn't get the code to build until after lunch. I worked with a UW design student for a different speed panel. I thought it would be feasible to complete by the 4pm presentation. Well, no. I worked on it until well past midnight. Still had a few items I couldn't figure out. Made a PR with the partially functional panel with the newer look, and hopefully someone can complete it. I may work on this project in the future. It uses Rust, a language I may want to learn. Other team members today made a new logo, a nice presentation, and many suggestions.

I left right after our team finished the presentation. So many projects, this took awhile. Seattle Rep had a gospel workshop this afternoon between its two performances of Shout Sister Shout. Local musician Shaina Shepherd and a pianist lead the class. She is a very good teacher. It was quite fun. However, I realized that not only I cannot sing, I cannot even articulate fast enough to sing gospel. I went home after the break.