Saturday, March 09, 2019

2019.3.9. Dog Mountain

3/9, Saturday. Cloudy turns sunny. Not too cold. However, we were in the fog and cloud most of the time.

7 of us. Already 6-7 cars in the parking lot ~8:20am. Met a small group of folks coming down soon after our start. They started at 5:30am. Not sure why. For sunrise? Encountered snow soon into the trail, part dirt+rock, part snow. I put on micro-spikes. One of us didn't put any traction until heading down. One guy put on crampons (really an overkill). Trail is well defined, by many passing boots. Above the junction sign of "difficult" and "more difficult", we saw one glissade butt track on the hill in the woods. After reaching the first view point (see photo, taken on the way down), snow got to knee deep. Still you can follow footsteps, so not to sink. Gaiter is essential or rain/ski pants. A bit of wind. Put back on the clothes I took off. For some reason I wasn't feeling well (lack or sleep? not enough breakfast?), so ate a Larabar. Strange, that I felt worse for 5-10 minutes, my fingers were all tingling. We were almost at the top. After a rest and lunch, I was back to normal. Met a large group of Mazama's BICEP class at the summit. Unfortunately the visibility was about 10m. The frozen snow on the trees looked quite amazing.

Coming down was fairly easy and quick, a bit slushy. I think I got more snow on me than going up, even fell once when letting a hiker to go by me. Met quite a few more hikers and dogs on the trail.

The drive is straight forward. Many little frozen waterfalls along the Oregon side. I got a ride to/back from Gateway. Back at home ~2:40pm.