Saturday, March 02, 2019

2019.3.2. Hamilton Mountain

3/2, Saturday, partly sunny, cold, breezy. 9 of us.

The trail starts in gravel, frozen solid, a bit icy. I put on micro-spikes quickly. Rodney falls didn't have as many icicles as I'd like to see, but still quite nice. More icicles around the falls from the drips and spray. After a miles or so, it was packed snow.

Many people on the trail today, enough footprints (and holes) leading to the top of mountain and the ridge. However, no more beyond. Very windy at the top and the ridge. Couldn't walk steadily. Had lunch hiding behind the rock below the top. Getting chilled quickly and we hiked down.

Low clouds hanging in the gorge for most of the day. There're always people who wear sneakers and jeans. One guy in shorts.

Today, I got a ride to and from the hike. Returned home early enough to attend a hiker's gathering of a different meetup at a home within walking distance.