Sunday, March 17, 2019

2019.3.17. West Granite - Granite loop

3/17, Sunday. Warm and sunny. I didn't think I-90 is of much interest, but this route proved me wrong. Except for the first and last hour is on the trail, all higher elevation is off trail.

7 of us met at Eastgate P&R at 7:30am. Folks were slow gearing up (especially to pack snowshoes). Even though we arrived at Granite Mt trailhead (I-90 exit 47) before 8:30am, we didn't start hiking until ~9am.

We started towards West Granite, via Granite Mt trail. In about 3/4 of a mile, a juction at 2600'. Took the left fork (the Pratt Lake Trail). Instead of continuing an additional 2.5 miles to above Olallie Lake to a junction (3900'), we put snowshoes on and turned right about 1 hour from TH. Just headed uphills to the right through the woods. Around 10:35, we could see Rainier through trees. Trees are not dense, so easy maneuver. Only one short section was steep, and avalanche prone, around 11am. An half hour later, reached the top of the first hill. Great view of Rainier to the south and Olympia to the west. A bit windy here. Walked north of some trees, and had a snack break facing West Granite, and Granite. There were already tracks here to follow.

Going down slightly, straight forward ridge walk to West Granite Mountain (5566'). Met a camper here, who came up the previous night. Great 360° view. Finally we could see the north side: Kaleetan Peak, Crystal Lake, and our final destination less than a mile to the SE. We walk the flat east ridge to some trees for a long lunch break. Papermoon had hot chili soup! Two brought whiskey, one girl brought green colored moche (for St Patrick's day). I like West Granite more than Granite, since it's quiet and surrounded by wilderness. We left I-90 behind, which we'd hear when approaching Granite.

Down to the saddle. The top 100' was steep, then straightforward, until Granite, all the way there were tracks. Met one skier. Some trees at the bottom of the saddle. There, my right boot kept on slipping off, until I realized that the bottom strap was broken. Slowly limping up to Granite, I was the last person to arrive to the lookout tower. There, I sat down, took time carefully retying the boots. Great 360° view. You can see the I-90 bend to the east and straight down south.

We went straight down south towards I-90. Could see the parking lot before getting into the trees. Probably should have followed the tracks to the east. Too steep where we were, avalanche sign all around. Luckily the snow was very soft, almost sticky. Probably 70°F today in the city. First few hundred feet were very slow, until we took off snowshoes and packed them. Then it was postholing and glissading, much faster. My pants and socks got very wet with snow everywhere. Finally we hit the trail. Met a guy going up on the trail, and a few other hikers. Back at the car by 5pm. I wrung water out of my socks, while waiting for everyone to arrive.

The group wanted to go to dinner at North Bend, which was not mentioned in the outing description. I asked around in the parking area. Two nice girls agreed to take me to the P&R. I gave them some money despite of the initial refusal. Due to the wet clothes, I cranked up temperature in the car to 84F: I was still shivering. Only felt better after a shower and a change of dry clothes.

Total about 8-8.5 miles, ~4100'. Except for coming down Granite, the whole day was very fun.