Sunday, June 03, 2018

2018.6.3. Around Olympia

6/3, Sunday. Unsure if I needed to fly out Monday morning for work, so could't take dad to bus station at a reasonable time. Decided to drive dad to Seattle today, so his home-bound journey is halved.

Didn't need to rush. Departed at an leisure hour. We stopped first at Mima Mounds, a natural curiosity. Spring is certainly a better time to visit: more green, even some flowers.

Had lunch at Olympia's Tumwater Falls Park, owned and managed by the Tumwater Foundation. Free parking, clean bathroom, a visitor center, nice walkway, part of which above rushing water rushing, displays and benches. Nicely done. Quite a few down logs clogging the water.

Nisqually NWR is quite dry now. Mud flat, stead of water. Not nearly as many birds in the open. I saw one bald eagle. Heard many little birds in the trees which I cannot see.

I-5 was closed just south of downtown, for major road work. I don't know when it started, and how long this will be. It's causing at least 30 minutes delay. I told dad that his bus wouldn't depart as scheduled, but he prefers to wait next to the station. Quite many of passengers, some had more info than I did. I was informed that the bus would be late for 1:15 hr by someone who happens to text his friends on the bus that's coming. The tracking online no long works for this particular bus. We received an email of apology and refund, but no expected arrival time. About 10 minutes before the bus arrived, we received another email telling us to get over to the bus stop. According to one bus driver, they forgot to tell the new driver his shift!

Driving home is uneventful.