Sunday, February 09, 2025

2025.2.6+8+9. Events at Seattle Art Museum

3 recurring events at Seattle Art Museum.

2/6, first Thursday: free entrance, short artist led tours. Checked out the juxtoposed exhibition of "Following Space: Thaddeus Mosley & Alexander Calder". Not bad: rustic natural bulky wood stumps of Mosley vs Calder's delicate metal and string.

Another interesting exhibition is Bethany Collins' At Sea. Odessey, Moby Dick, graphite on Somerset paper, then use eraser to remove part of the sentences. Symbolizing the loss in translation, in time.

The museum was taking down the big tree hanging from the ceiling. Looking forward to what is next. I asked someone there, and was told the tree will be on view at a different location. Afterwards, it'll be decomposed in the forest.

2/8, 2nd Saturday, Body Mind Activity Day, part of SAM Body and Mind series.
I got up too late, missed the "dance charch". When I arrived, it was silent reading. I went into the activity room. Northwest Creative & Expressive Arts Institute (NWCEAI) set up 2 tables. One is collage: cut colorful magazine pages and tape them on a car. The other is watercolor. We were told to outline on paper without looking down the paper, and then fill in with color. Drawing without looking what I drew is very difficult.

Everyone left the activity room and did this "sound bath" by Biom. I've only heard of sound bath, this is my first participation. Many people brought their yoga mats and lied on ground. The lady made soothing sounds over jars of water, pan of pebbles. Not sure why people had to come to a session. This can be easily done at home.

2/9, a Sunday. Seattle Women's Jazz Orchestra at SAM, with an intermission. Not bad, however, nothing extraordinary. There're 2 men. I like its conductor. This Jazz series is part of SAM Performs.