Thursday, September 28, 2023

2023.9.28. Petite Morte at PNB

9/28, Thursday, 7:30. I arrived at the ticket office at 7:30pm, and was able to buy a ticket, use the restroom and get seated before the curtain. Does anything start on time any more?

A very funny selection of choreographs. Petite Mort is the first of the 3 numbers tonight. The last one mocks art critiques.

Petite Mort | Jiří Kylián
Sechs Tänze (Six Dances) | Jiří Kylián
Cacti | Alexander Ekman

I stayed on for Q&A. It's interesting to know that the square platforms used in Cacti gets slippery because of the sweat of the dancers, so could be hazardous. Another take-away is that the repetition makes the excellence.