Saturday, September 02, 2023

2023.9.2. Teneriff by bus

9/2 Saturday. Took the Trailhead Direct bus to hike Teneriffe, this time with a 24lb pack. First time taking the bus this year. I got to chat with the old guy sitting next to me. He and his friend are biking from the town of North Bend. He said he does this year round (2 buses to North Bend when Trailhead Direct is not running). First time I noticed that this small bus can carry 4 bikes!

Not setting speed but carrying a 20+lb pack. I had a company today. Talking slows you down! Reached the summit at noon. Still, I was sweating like a pig. A whiff of smoke at the summit from time to time. Mt Rainier was very hazy. Saw a strange clearcut.

One other reason is to meet up with M.Y. to talk about the upcoming Sierras trip. He brought the new duffle bag, which we tried to fit both our backpacks. It worked. This cuts 50% of the luggage fee.

We took Kamikaze up, and the normal trail down, out to Si. Total ~10 miles, 3800'. M.Y. was testing his new boots. I found that I need a different pair. It was much warmer than I had expected (83°F). M.Y. was having heat problem again. He brought a lot of water, and was dousing his head with cold water from time to time. But problem persisted. Even on the bus home (very lucky this time, waited for less than 5 minutes), he looked sick. Odd, someone who grew up in the desert.

On my walk home, called REI about my tent's tension cord. I was told that having it fixed by REI takes a week, but I should be able to do it myself. Detoured to REI. The guy at the rental gear desk is super nice. Showed me what I need to do of my particular tent, and measured my poles and cut the cords. I replaced the tension cord later at night.