Saturday, February 25, 2023

2023.2.25. Pratt Mountain

2/25, Saturday. Weather forecast said that the precipitation would come after 4pm, calm wind, but cold (low 20&Fs). I hosted a short hike, to be finished by 4pm. First time I led a hike with this group, so picked something easy but not too easy. But this time I underestimated the difficulty, as we had to break the trail. 6 people came along. Only one I never met before, who's a recent (2023) transplant from Chicago. We all made to the summit. Calm and sunny, so we were able to really enjoyed the summit. (summit photo to the right, courtesy of K).

When we arrived at the TH parking lot (~7:45), there were a couple of cars already. No snowpak pass required at this TH. The new guy (J) is very slow getting ready, thankfully he's not slow on the trail. We donned micro-spikes right at the parking lot: patches of frozen snow, very slippery. The trail was very icy in the beginning. Spikes work well. The creeks are very pretty, ice on the surface, dark water running below. About 3 small creek crossing over ice and rock, still fairly easy. Higher, we were in snow. Trail is beaten all the way to the first junction to Olallie/Talapus.

From here on, we were breaking trails. R lead this part all the way over this one log bridge and up to the next trail juction, marked by pink ribbons.

Then the scramble begins. We started uphill. Below the snow, it was icy. My spikes don't bite enough. Had to use ice axe to pull me up. M put on snowshoes, and then he charged ahead. Most of us put on snowshoes, two put on crampons. Once we reached the ridge, the two on crampons also swapped to snowshoes.

Followed the ridge, we started to get views. The big boulder is always a problem. Today, more so. I cut lower (very steep slope) around the boulder. Thankfully the snow is thick and sticky. My group followed, and 2 more guys in crampons. Soon after, there's another boulder, smaller. I don't remember having two problematic boulders before. Well, today yes. This one is easier. See photo. The 2 guys in crampons walked up the boulder, and then back down to cirler on the right side. We followed the suite. After that a very narrow bridge, short, but yes, with exposure. The rest is fairly easy.

We reached the summit ~12:10, and left ~1pm. Much easier coming back, just following our own track. I packed away snowshoes. At the first big boulder, I walked to its top and crawled down there, just for an alternative. We made down quickly.

Since we have 2 people new to this trail, we went to Olallie Lake, before heading out. On the way, met more hikers, and a group of Mountaineers who went to West Granite.

J and I are quite lucky to catch a bus only a minute or 2 after returning. There, at the bus stop, was a young guy with ice axe and snowshoes. J hit up a conversation with him. He said anyone can just sign up their outings, if you've taken some of their classes. Otherwise, you'd need to apply some equivalency test.

Still day light when I got home. The rain never came. Over all, about 10 miles, 3300'. A good workout.
2 mistakes: forgot to bring hiking poles and a hat. My knees hurt, and my skin was peeling off.