Sunday, October 23, 2022

2022.10.23. Earl Peak

10/23, Sunday. The first dry day after the rain. Air quality returned to normal. Chill in the air. 10 of us met at Green Lake. Drove in 3 cars. Made a stop at Pioneer Cafe at Cle Elum for coffee and food. I can never understand why people are willing to get up earlier in order to eat breakfast in a cafe. The organizer needs to smoke, here is why for today.

Follow Bean Creek Trail. After a creek crossing, at the signed junction, take right to the connection to Standup Creek, and Earl Peak. Fall color is not the best here. More brown than red. No berries to eat.

At a "pass", continue to Standup Creek (to Navaho Pass), or turn left and go up, as shown in the photo to Earl Peak. The peak itself is behind this summit. The grade picks up significantly. After this bump, the trail deteriorates. I think the old track works better than the newly laid trail. Smooth + steep = more slippery. I prefer rocks. Nothing is dangerous. The view is great. But quite crowded for a small-ish summit. Can see some larches below. Not many, and not very golden. Clouds moved in.

I walked along the ridge towards Bean Peak for a more quiet lunch. Met a couple continuing on to Bean Creek for the loop. There's some light snow, so need to be careful, but the track is easy to follow, and never steep. I came back to Earl Peak to wait with the group. After an hour, we were all a bit cold (not too bad), so decided to go down without waiting for the last 3. On the way down, in order to avoid the traffic jam, I took to the rocks, and actually slipped by stepping on a loose rock. Scraped my chin bloody. I met the Indian girl (the last of our group) on my way down, and she was alarmed seeing blood on my face. At the flat saddle, I cleaned up my chin with fresh snow. Not bad. Just skin deep.

At Cle Elum, they went to a Thai restaurant. Sarah didn't like it, because they only take Visa and Master Card. So our car returned home without dinner. It was only 4pm, too early anyway. Heavy traffic coming into downown from I-90. DK dropped me off at an I-5 exit, and the rest 3 continued north to the P&R.

I'm glad to finally get out after the smoke.