Wednesday, December 23, 2020

2020.12.21. The Great Junction of Jupiter and Saturn

12/21. Great conjunction happens every ~20 years. But this year, their distance is the closest to each other since 1623. The cloest moment is supposed to be in the middle of the day for us. Being winter solstice, the dark sky arrives early, so good viewing opportunity only a few hours after here. However, the weather is lousy in Seattle on 12/21 (it poured and then snowed).

Space Needle at night12/22, Tuesday. Sunny with some clouds to the south. I headed out ~5:30pm up to Kerry Park. Passing Space Needle, decorated with a white Christmas tree, as usual. A few people at Kerry Park.

Kerry Park at night Initially, I thought this bright dot in the southern sky was Jupiter and Saturn. But they didn't go down much during the half an hour I was there. After checking the set time, I finally settled down to another dot to the SW, a bit dimmer. Through my 10x50 binocular, I can see one brighter dot with a fainter and slightly hued neighbor to its west. This dimmer enssemble did move lower to the horizon as night deepened.

When I arrived home, I couldn't warm myself up. Even a hot shower didn't help much. I was even shivering. Every muscle was in pain. Filled a hot thermal bladder and tried to sleep. The fever and cold went away in the middle of the night. The soreness lessened, and went away after another day. I had Zoster vaccine (for Shingles) this morning. I guess I'm one of those 16% of people who have ill reaction. Not sure if I want the 2nd shot.

12/23, Wednesay. I downloaded Skyview app on my phone, and headed to Olympic Sculpture Park. The sky was clearer tonight. However, the two planets were visually apart now without any optical zoom. The Mars next to the 2/3 moon was very bright.