Sunday, May 05, 2019

2019.5.5. Stacker Butte with Friends of the Gorge

I was checking Friends' website for this event all week long. It was always full. Wait-list is no longer supported. Friday after 5pm, I emailed Saturday at 8am, I received a confirmation with more contact info for the outing. So, I went.

5/5. Sunday. Warm. 76°F. 14 of us (including Christoph and Jay who scouted the route 9 days prior) stuffed in 3 cars, drove all the way up to the last gate above Dalles Mountain Ranch for Stacker Butte. High clearance may be a good idea for the last 0.5 mile. But you can just walk up. I was in the car with Janet who entertained the rest of us on the way. She's a member of Portland Storytellers Guild, and a flower enthusiast. She identified daggerpod, new to me. There were a lot of these on the upper hill. Carol and I brought our silver umbrellas. Very useful here today.

The gravel road was lined with flowers, blooming more profusely in the lower part. Higher elevation brought phlox (showy and Hood), and on the very top, I saw one shooting star and one geum triflorum. Passed the gate, Christoph handed out a plant list, prepared by Ralph on another day. We walked on the rest of the gravel road to this VORTAC station, about 2 miles. All along, clear view of Hood and Jefferson to the south. I brought my binoculars and could see Sisters in the distance. Once reached the flat ridge, we could see Adams, Rainier, Goat Rocks, St Helens is quite small. Then, we walked west on the flat ridge line to more cell towers, continued west until they were behind us. Maybe a mile further. Had an hour long lunch break. Not much wind today.

Janet proposed to make a short drive through Schreiner Farm. I couldn't believe to see giraffe, zebra and camel here. They seemed to be content. Now most hiding in the shade.

Back at Gateway shortly after 5pm. Total about 6-8 miles. Found this link of endemic flowers in Columbia Gorge.