Saturday, May 18, 2019

2019.5.18. Elk-Kings loop

5/18, Saturday. Cloudy, drizzle. Thunderstorm was in forecast after 2pm. I've abandoned my weekend trip: canceled rental car, and 2 events. Happy to saw Aleksandra's broadcast about Elk-Kings loop very late on Friday. So, I texted her. She has another taker. She and Ben picked me up near my home ~8:30am. We started at the 2nd parking lot beyond Elk Creek C.G. It's a bit more walking.

We started out in mist. This trail is either very steep (up and down Elk and Kings) or very flat (abandoned logging road that connects the two mountains). See photos on my last blog about the steepness of the terrain.

I'm pleasantly surprised by all the flowers in this mostly wooded trail. Bleeding heart (seeding), fringe cup covered the undergrowth; phlox and paintbrush covered the rocky slopes. Saw the last few trillions and first few bear grass (top of Elk) of the year. I'm also surprised by the number of people here braving the potential thunderstorm. Some going anti-clockwise. Saw this odd bench, and a big picnic table high on the trail. Met a guy putting up a large ham radio antenna on top of Elk. When we saw him back at the parking lot, he said he got 8 contacts. He let me lift his antenna and the post. The post is a bit heavy to carry.

A very good work out, and good company. ~11 miles and 3700' gain. Ben is the fastest, even though the oldest. Aleksandra was going steady in the beginning, faster than me, but lost her steam on Wilson River trail coming back. We had a long lunch break on the flat slope before Kings summit, sitting among budding tiger lily and paintbrush. I had to open my umbrella to shield the sun, since I was preparing a rainy+muddy hike so didn't bring any sun protection. Rained only on the way home. No thunderstorm whatsoever. Only one muddy patch on Wilson River trail. I was dropped off near my home ~5:30pm.