Sunday, January 22, 2017

2017.1.22. Silverton Area For A Day

1/22, Sunday. Was very code beginning of the week. Rained last few days, so the streets thawed. Patchy sunshine today. Drove to Silverton's Oregon Garden. Winter is not a good time to visit, no flowers. Some nice water features. The blue wetland on the map looks more like waste land. A nice big picnic shelter in the forest. Just beyond it, a few cabins haphazardly clumped together, off a dirt road.

I like the children garden. Small, but has a few topiary trees and 3 funny pot people. Saw a few family with children here. If you live nearby, this is a nice place for a stroll. There's also a hotel here, which you can visit without paying the garden admission. Yes, the garden fenced off.

Another interesting thing here is Frank Lloyd Wright's Gordon House. It's located outside of the garden proper, and requires a special tour ticket. It's actually relocated here, painstakingly reassembled. There was a tour when we drove by. Lights were on, looks very inviting.

Drove by Silverton downtown. Stopped on this new bridge over Silver Creek. Not drivable, not very pretty. The buildings by the creek are cement blocks. A lady was doing yoga pose here. We also stopped by Silverton Reservoir. Not pretty enough to merit a photo.

Continue on the winding road is our main destination today: Silver Falls state park. We stopped first at the North Falls parking lot. Walked to Upper North Falls, and North Falls. There was ice on the ground, and a fallen tree. More shady, thus chillier. I was hoping to see icicles by waterfalls, because it has been code. But cold enough.

Next is the main entrance to the park: the starling is the South Falls. It's tall and graceful, and you can walk behind it. So we did. Dad remembered this waterfall. We were here about 10 years ago. Lots of people here.
We continued onto the Middle South Falls, about a mile farther. It's not as tall and pretty, still nice. You can also walk behind the falls. Wetter here.

1.5 hours to drive home. An easy one day trip.