Sunday, June 07, 2015

2015.6.7. Hamilton Mt.

6/7 Sunday. 92°F today. We hiked from 8:30am for ~4 hours, before the heat became unbearable. Total 9 people, ~7.5 miles, 2100'.

Hamilton Mt Loop in Beacon Rock State Park (map. First series of viewpoints are falls on Hardy Creek (two short side trails). I like "Pool of Wind" - a plunge pool of the upper falls. The temperature by the pool is at least 5° cooler. Cross the bridge, many switchbacks later, you emerge from the forest onto a ridge, and more ridges overlooking Columbia River. Not much shade here. Plenty of cliff hanging flowers. As you gain elevation, you start to see Hood. The summit is anti-climatic: views are obstructed by thimbleberry bushes - just as high as my eyes. You can see Adams from here. We marched a bit further along and sat in the shade (no view), by the narrow trail.

Continuing forward ~10-15 minutes after the summit gets to the so-called "the Saddle" viewpoint. This is a much better place for lunch and lingering. Open, great views on both sides, a gentle ridge full of flowers. Then, all in the woods again. We took Hardy Creek trail to loop back. It's more like a road. Don's Cutoff trail should be equally long. Then back to the initial trail with the waterfalls, a good place to stop and wash your sweat.

Arranged a pickup of my forgotten phone in the afternoon. Very hot.