Monday, May 25, 2015

2015.5.23-25 Loowit 360°

Memorial Day long weekend, 6 of us circled Mt. St. Helens along Loowit Trail. Total ~32.6 miles, 8000' gain and loss.

Day 1 (5/23 Saturday) 13.2 miles, 3900'. We met at Zach's house at 7:30am. Departed at 8:00am. Starting from June Lake in light rain (~10:30), hiked up to #216 and hang a left. Lots of boulder hopping. Thick fog, sometimes unable to see the next pole/cairn. Lunch at the junction with Monitor Ridge trail. Soon, we emerged from the trees, but not from the fog. At the junction with #240 (Sheep Canyon trail ~10 miles) we continued on Loowit (higher trail) to Crescent Ridge. Camped on the mossy high bank by Toutle River (too high that I didn't bother to go down for water). ~20 camped here tonight, all doing the same trail. Thanks to the fog, you don't see them until they walk by you, so a false sense of solitude. Did encounter one trail runner, who carried little water and nothing else. Never saw that person again.

Day 2 (5/24 Sunday) ~12.1 miles, 3100'. I had to change to water shoes to cross Toutle. The water isn't too cold. If you have long legs, you can hop over. There're short ropes on both side of the ravine. Quite steep. Camping is not allowed between Toutle River and Windy Pass. The cloud dissipated somewhat soon after we left Toutle. The view opened up. Meadows covered with strawberry flowers, soon gave way to barren land on the north side of the mountain (blast zone). Dwarf lupine and grass claimed some rocky land. Saw 2 goats next to Toutle Canyon. The rest of the day is pretty straightforward until we got to Windy Pass. Along the way, more creek crossings, two significant double tiered waterfalls, view of Mt. Adams, Spirit Lake.
Down the scree field on the other side to the Plains of Abraham, where we set up camp for the night on the southern end. No more soft ground. Lots of little rocks, too light to be used as anchors. Very windy this eve. We went back to our tents before it got dark: too cold sitting in the wind. Today, we meet hikers doing counter-clockwise. Saw only 2 day hikers.

Day 3 (5/25 Memorial Day) ~7.3 miles, 1000'. I went up the ridge next to my tent ~6:30, when St Helens was half lit by the rising sun. I was hoping to see Hood and Adams on the top, but too many clouds. I took this fun halo photo of myself. I gave up after 30 minute wait. Soon, cloud completely obscured everything. It's like the first day: no view for the rest of the day. No difficulty. A small waterfall. As we went back to the southern side, saw many huckleberry bushes and beargrass. Probably a good idea to do this hike in fall. Short stop at June Lake: see the photo I took with Mitul's 5 lb camera, you can barely see the waterfall right on the other side the lake, almost invisible from my camera. More day hikers today. We got back to our cars before 2:00pm. Stopped at Battleground for an early dinner at Millcreek Pub. Food is quite good. I had steamed clam. The rest of my group is also happy with their choices. Service is questionable. Our server didn't tell us about Happy Hour menu, and she didn't give me any coins of my change.