Friday, September 12, 2014

2014.9.12. Chasing Aurora Borealis in vain

Friday. News of potential Northern Light viewing in Oregon prompted me to contact someone I know who participates local astronomical events. It's said to be the best Friday night. So three of us drove up to Cloud Cap north of Mt Hood for high elevation and hopefully less light pollution. We arrived ~9pm. Beautiful night sky: Milky Way clearly visible, orange moon on the low horizon. Not as dark as I liked: the lights of Hood River valley is not negligible. However, the moon rose and it got brighter. Cars coming and going. A group was sitting in front of the fireplace of Cloud Cap Inn, at the end of a locked gate. It was quite cold, single digit in °C. Even though we brought lawn chairs to sit, I elected to walk around to keep myself warm. At least not too windy. We waited till ~11pm to ever brighter sky, and diminished hope.