Tuesday, November 06, 2007

2007.11.5. The Cook at Seattle Repertory Theatre by Eduardo Machado. One stage setting: the kitchen in a wealthy Cuban house. Three acts: New Year's Eve 1958-9 -- the owner of the house fled; 1972 -- the cook fights with her husband and a gay cousin, trying to keep the house intact as she promised to her mistress; lunch time 1997 -- the daughter of the owner visits from US, and the house has turned into a restaurant.
The main actress for the cook is wonderful. The character of the owner's daughter is harsh and cold, too much of a stereotype. This is surprising, as the author is about her generation. The program notes lists 3 lengthy pages of Cuban history outlines starting with the revolution, very helpful to ignorant audience like me.
This very evening, the playwright was giving a talk at Elliot Bay Book Company about his new memoir: Tastes Like Cuba: An Exile's Hunger for Home.