Sunday, August 31, 2014

2014.8.30-31 West Vancouver

Visiting relative during Labor Day weekend. I went up to Cypress Mt twice (with different relatives), picking huckleberries and hiked to quite a few small lakes. Drizzle on Saturday. The short hikes don't get much view. Tons of berries. One working crew later told me that we were not supposed to pick any in class A provincial parks. But I saw many people bringing buckets to pick, and seems that they come often. No where on any posts in the park, or Website mentions about this. So, don't know. The view points along the drive is quite lovely.

Visited WhyteCliff Park. Fun trying to walk over to the little island, without getting wet. Saw one family of 5 going all the way: the mother wearing flip-flop, and carrying her small daughter over these boulders. Great view of the Sound, if not a bit low.